Agnita, mentioned for the first time in a document from 1280, is a town with traditional crafts, famous for the old guilds of tanners, shoemakers, tailors, coopers and potters, with semi-rural economy.
Here is one of the oldest saxon fortification in Transylvania. The construction was initiated in the thirteenth century, and was extended successively so that it had three fortified towers with an enclosure since the seventeenth century. In the fortresses center there is a church-hall with three naves (naves with stands) and also the western tower (XV-th century around the year 1409 ). In turn fortified, the church has undergone many transformations. The four towers of the fortified church – the shoemakers tower, tailors tower, blacksmiths tower and coopers tower – demonstrates the economic strength of these guilds, and members of those guilds were assigned to the defense of those towers and surrounding portions of the wall in case of armed conflict.
The City Museum housed within, has a substantial collection of medieval art (Gothic chests, architecture, sculpture, ceramics, etc.). In 1466, the king of Hungary granted the town Agnita right “ius Gladiator”, meaning the right to decide and execute the death sentence. In the same year, the village is allowed to keep half of the contingent settlement of royal troops to defend their own city and the church from falling into foreign hands, since it was near the frontier with Wallachia.