The lutheran evanghelical church from Cristian Sibiu has been built on the ruins of an old roman basillica having as patron St. Servatius. There still exist some elements of the original chuch that dates back to the XIII-th century: the bottom floor of the bell tower and a part of the from the first floor, several bays with crossed vaults of the northren nave and traces of the semicircular windows of the main nave, that were later sealed.
After the middle of the XIV-th century, the eastern part of the church was expanded with a Gothic choir flanked by side altars.
The central area has three naves and the sides have two bays and a slightly lower height.
Perhaps durng the XIII-th century the church was surrounded by a simple wall, that was transformed around 1500 into a strong fortress, where the fortification is doubled and has an irregular pentagonal shape and is fortified with defense towers. The distance between the two walls is of 3 m.