From the first church, mentioned for the first time in an official document in 1335, only the west portal remained. It has semicircular archivolts and lunette whose aligned capitals include fantastic and vegetal representations. The portal is related to the one in Cristian, Brașov and therefore to the Abbey of Cârța.

The actual church is a building from the beginning of the XIX-th century, and even if it doesn’t make an exception from the patter of the hall church including an altar, choir, central nave, aisled and a belfry on the west side, its polyptych altar from the XVI-th century is the piece that brought fame to the village of Hălchiu.

Representative for the transition from the Gothic style to the Renaissance and devoted to Saint Andrew, the patron of the church, the altarpiece offers an idea about the status of the community of the time, due to the size and value of the iconography.