The fortified Church of St. Stefan
In Saschiz there once stood seven churches and chapels- hence the name
“Village of the Seven churches” wich in some cases was used instead.
Apart from the fortified church the sites of five of these are known.
The evanghelical church, situated in thte centre of the village, was buit between 1493 and 1525 on the site of a Roman style church and a later Cistercian Gothic church. The church was dedicated to the Hungarian King, Stephan the Holy.
The church and the tower were sorrounded by a defensive wall. It is known due to archeological excavation that the original wall stood in the same place as todays perimeter wall. The church is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The church is open to public.
The Peasant Citadel of Saschiz
Situated on Citadel Hill, with steep inclines on the sides, the Saxon
fortification was probably built on the site of a former Roman fort
which guarded the road between Rupea and Sighisoara.
The year 1347 is written on a stone on the north western side of the perimeter wall and probably signifies the beginning of the construction of the reinforcement of the wall. Seven communities which belonged to the “Kisder Kapitel” built the citadel.