Some 40km east of Sibiu, the DN7C, also known as the Transfăgărășan Highway, branches off the road to Brașov, heading straight for the towering Fagaras Mountain range. The road is open only a few months a year due to snowfall; snow can still block roads in June, while October brings the first new loads.

Approaching from the south, you´ll pass the fantastically twisted monastery at Curtea de Arges, the (real) Dracula Castle ruins at Poienari and the huge Vidraru Dam. After that, nature takes over, and the gravel road slowly makes its way up through forests and alpine meadows to the ridge.

The road does not actually cross a pass as the ridge is too jagged; a 890m long tunnel (the highest point of the road; 2,042m) links the two valleys.

The peaceful road is still a fantastic way to see snow in August, breath fresh air and escape from dusty cities, and highly recommended, now by Jeremy Clarkson and the Top Gear team, no less.